To Write Or Not To Write, That Is Not The Question
Per my daily morning routine, I stopped in for coffee at one of my favorite places to go, a little family owned place in a small town north of Baltimore. As I was drinking my coffee, I noticed a father and son, sitting at a table, talking. I don’t know what the topic was, but whatever it was, it was important to the child. In child like voice and fun expressions he talked while his father sat and listened. This was a bit of a challenge to his father as he was also trying to get his son prepared for school. Yet, the father was patient to listen to his son. (more…)
There Sits A Little Diner Near The Town Square
(Why I wrote Night Night Hamlet)
This happened by a happy accident. I was out walking with my two daughters one night in the town of Carbondale, Pennsylvania where we lived. I would often take them for walks as we lived near town and loved to walk to the nearest diner or doughnut shop. As was our custom, we went for a walk one evening, just my two daughters and me. On the way downtown we could see houses on the many hills that makeup the city. We walked down the old streets, having the entire town to ourselves as it was late in the evening. We made our way down main street, window shopping in some antique stores. (more…)