Book Illustration An Art Form

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, tells us, "The illustration of manuscript books was well established in ancient times, and the tradition of the illuminated manuscript thrived in the West until the invention of printing. Other parts of the world had comparable traditions, such as the Persian miniature. Modern book illustration comes from the 15th-century woodcut illustrations that were fairly rapidly included in early printed books, and later block books. Other techniques such as engraving, etching, lithography and various kinds of color printing were to expand the possibilities and were exploited by such masters as Daumier, DorĂ© or Gavarni." (more…)

Children's Literature

Children's literature or juvenile literature includes stories, books, magazines, and poems that are enjoyed by children. Modern children's stories are classified in two different ways: genre or the intended age of the reader. From simple bedtime story books to classic tomes like Alice In Wonderland and the Wizard Of OZ, children love to read or be read to. (more…)